** Attention Valued Customers,
In February 2012, we made a minor modification to our amphibious emergence trap. The supporting frames of re-modeled traps are much stronger structurally. The netting part of the new trap, however, is almost almost identical to the old model. Please note this change before making purchases.
One purpose of emergence traps is to estimate population densities of insects. The trapping techniques for many emergence traps involve frequent visits to remove insects trapped inside.
Our amphibious emergence trap is basically a floorless tent with a collecting head and collecting bottle. It covers a ground surface area about one by one meters. Because the collecting system of this amphibious emergence trap uses the same design as our SLAM traps (Sea, Land, and Air Malaise trap), it can be left unattended for a long time.
When using the amphibious emergence trap as a soil emergence trap, place the trap over the selected survey spot. About 110-cm tall, this trap provides enough height to cover small shrubs or potted plants. Use dirt to cover the flaps around the base of each side to keep all emerging insects inside. In windy conditions, use tent pegs (included) to stake down loops at each corners.
One unique feature of our amphibious emergence trap is its ability to float. By connecting ordinary 2-L soda bottles (not included) and our special trap floating kit (sold separately), this trap can be transformed into a aquatic emergence trap for use in wetlands.
The amphibious emergence trap is easy to assemble and highly portable. Each trap has two large dome-shaped openings for easy access to the interior. To boost insect catch, this amphibious emergence trap is black except for the white collecting head entrance.